AZ Tax Credit Donations


Below are the different Arizona tax credits for 2024. For a list of qualified organizations please click on the links provided at the bottom of the page. To receive the Arizona tax credits you can donate up to the limits set forth below:

Note 1:

The limitation for an individual to claim a credit for making a donation to a Private Tuition Organization for 2024 is $1,459 for married filing joint filers and $731 for single, unmarried head of household and married filing separate filers.

An individual may claim an additional credit for making a donation to a Private School Tuition Organization. The additional credit amount for 2024 is $1,451 for married filing joint filers and $728 for single, unmarried head of household and married filing separate filers. PLEASE NOTE: This additional credit is claimed on a separate form when you file your personal tax return.

Note 2:

The Military Family Relief Fund tax credit is subject to a donation limit in aggregate per year, meaning once $1 million has been donated for the year, the credit is no longer available. Visit the following website to see the current total donations already made to meet the $1M cap:

Please note:

Please note that the tax credit for Qualifying Charitable Organizations (formerly known as the Working Poor tax credit) and the tax credit for Foster Care Charitable Organizations each have separate rules and donation amounts listed above for 2024.